Dispur has been accorded the status of Capital of Assam. Dispur came into the limelight in the year 1973. Ever since its entry into main corridors of national importance, Dispur in Assam never stooped proceeding towards a bright future. The land of Dispur is populated by 1700 inhabitants (census 1991).
official language of Dispur which is used in every operational domain
of the place is Assamese. People of Dispur owe their origin to various
ancient civilizations. From Burmans to Tibetans, all categories of
ethnic people are known to have had a permanent base in Dispur.
cultural ecstasy of Dispur is another major attraction of the place.
Apart from the famous Bihu festival which is an integral part of the
Assamese tradition, Husari dance is also quite popular in Dispur.
far as the economic sector of Dispur is concerned, Tea estates have a
significant contribution. In fact the revenue earned by the Tea exports
is counted for around 15% of the total revenue of the globe. However,
there are many other industries in Dispur that strengthens the very
base of its economy. Some of these are:
- Agriculture, Minerals,Wooden products,Mining,Weaving